Monday, August 20, 2012


Two 24 packs of PBR, a new bottle of india ink, 2 new shader tattoo needles, and a group of willing "pin cushions" are all ingredients for the start of a great Saturday evening. I get a text from Commander Merrill asking if I'm chilling with Squints, which I thought was pretty random cuz I had just arrived at dude's house. It was impeccable timing for sure. Toan, Squints, Eddy, Danny and I take some shots of tekillya and head out the door on our way to Nards' and Commander's place to get drunk. When we get there Commander tells us she recently acquired a bottle of India ink and after much deliberation and conversation, I hop back in the #Gypsyjeep and take Squints to get some needles he has stashed at the crib. As we are doing this, Nards is busy ghetto rigging a Liner needle out of 3 sewing needles and some thread. Squints and I already know what I want stuck n poked, sorta of a part 2 from the 1st time Squints tatted me. I got a broken Bart Simpson board with USSR and when we did that we had talked bout doing a broken bottle with WLLM as the lettering but we'd gotten too drunk and figured one tatt was G for the night and saved the broken bottle for the next time. Commander and Nards were set on getting the number 17 to pay homage to their humble abode of the past couple of years. 'Twas a good time, Squints tatted me up while Eddy stepped up to do Commander's and Mel even got in there and did her 1st stick n poke!
Mel with the initial outline. 

Art by #Squints, tatt by D'irtagnan.

Mel showed no mercy to her man as she stabbed deep into Nards' leg.


Nards' blood.

Mun$ is done before you know it.

Hurt so goooooooooooood.

#Squints getting weird.
Pre-poke instaphoto.

Mine and #Squints finished product.

Commander's stoked!

The roomies of apt. No. 17

I feel complete now. #USSR #WLLM

Successful Stick 'n' Poke Saturday! Scum Sandwich Life!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Impromptu Berkeley Mish!

So about two weeks ago I woke up on a Saturday morning itching to shred someplace sick. The only catch was that I didn't wanna stay in Rosa and end up piling out at the Slab. So I hit up Mon$ and figure St. Helena park isn't too far and would be hella fun since I haven't been since I moved back to Cali. I pick up Dirty Mon$, fill up the tank, grab some road sodas and hit the road. But thanks to Google Maps we hit the wrong road, one I'm not used to so I start to question these google directions. Before we even get to the CA 128 we are held up by a bicycle race through the hills. Shit sucked major dick, I drove bout 5 miles behind a breakaway of cyclists before hitting a road stop where ambulances were being called to tend to some injured cyclists who didn't know what they were doing and ate shit. I'm irate by this point and flip a motherfucking bitch. At that moment I'm over St. Helena park and tell Mon$ to call Toan for directions to Berkeley park. Long story short, Mon$ and I skated Berkeley from 2 pm to closing (9:30pm.)
Right when the lights came on!

Battled this volcano hip all day into the wee hours of the night.
Here's all the footy from that Saturday. Enjoy my Gypsies!