Monday, January 3, 2011

Shred in Peace Cooper Plaxco

Just read some devastating news about a fallen shredder today. Cooper was probably one of the nicest dudes I've ever come into contact with. Always good times to be had when he was around and I wish I would have kicked it with him more since we lived not too far from each other in Windsor. Skating with him motivated me to shred harder because he skated fast, had good board control and, like myself, had a busted knee. I remember when he got his license I'd see him at Rosa park where I would skate in the early hours before going to class at Piner. He'd show up, we'd burn some, skate a bit and then I'd head off to class and as would he. I'm fortunate enough to have skated his ramp with him on a few occasions. That ramp was no joke, I couldn't do much on it so I'd just sit back and marvel at the lines that Cooper would put together. I remember the last time I shredded with him, he just got back into town on a break from HSU earlier this year. Texas Chris and I had the slant box at the park and Cooper, along with Storm, showed up at the park. I did a smith on the box and Cooper matched it, dude had mad steez. I had been at the park for awhile and was exhausted so I sat up against the fence and watched as Mr. Plaxco continued to murder my box. I remember this scene vividly: he did a fs tail, bs tail, fs nosegrind, fs 180 nosegrind, a krooks, fs smith, and the illest fs nosegrind revert.Rest in Peace Cooper, you'll be missed greatly.

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