Thursday, October 23, 2014

Bobba Ranks

This one day Casey Waits and I were talking about slow motion videos. We had talked about how rad it would be to film an all slow motion video and have the music be chopped n screwed. We thought it was hilarious.
Well, the other day I found a folder of clips I had filmed at Monte Rio park way before the park had even opened. Whenever I would try to edit the clips I couldn't figure out why the clips would playback in slo-mo after I had converted them.
I ended up misplacing that folder somehow in between backing up files onto an external drive. I just completely forgot about those clips until I came across them the other day.
Fast forward to a few days ago and I'm attempting to edit a folder of a different Monte Rio sesh and thought I'd throw those other clips in, forgetting about all the frame rate bologna.

 I soon figured out  I had actually filmed the clips in 960p with a frame rate of 100fps because when I would convert the old clips at 60fps with all the new clips, the old ones would playback at half the speed.
Anyways, I dedicate the slo-mo intro to Casey cuz it was sorta his idea, even though the whole thing isn't in slo-mo.

And thanks to Bob Bertolini aka BOBBA RANKS(Fuck his dad) for inspiring the tasty score of this 'made for internet shredit.' K, shoots, that's enough of me rambling...crack a brew, light up ya spliffs cuz you're about to press play and I've got you for 20 minutes!


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